*Walking Calendar 2020 - New!!

  1. 20 Feb 2020 - K.L Junior Walking Championship (KLJWC) @ Stadium Permaisuri Chears, KL - 1st circuit*
  2. 20 Feb 2020 - Putrajaya Junior Walking Championship (PJWC) @ SMK Precinct 8, Putrajaya - 1st circuit*
  3. 20 Feb 2020 - P.Pinang Junior Walking Championship (PJWC) @ SMK Seri Balik Pulau, P.Pinang- 1st circuit**
  4. 20 Feb 2020 - Bintulu Sarawak Junior Walking Championship (BJWC) @ SMK Bintulu Sarawak - 1st circuit***
  5. 22 Feb 2020 - Melaka Junior Walking Championship (MJWC) @ SSN SMK Seri Kota, Melaka - 1st circuit****
  6. 7 March 2020 - Junior Development Programme (JDP), Trek Stadium Bola Sepak Kuala Lumpur - 1st Circuit 
  7. 23 July 2020 - K.L Junior Walking Championship (KLJWC) @ Stadium Permaisuri Cheras, KL - 2nd circuit*
  8. 23 July 2020 - Putrajaya Junior Walking Championship (PJWC) @ SMK Precinct 8, Putrajaya - 2nd circuit*
  9. 23 July 2020 - P.Pinang Junior Walking Championship (PJWC) @ SMK Seri Balik Pulau, P.Pinang - 2nd circuit**
  10. 23 July 2020 - Bintulu Sarawak Junior Walking Championship (BJWC) @ SMK Bintulu Sarawak - 2nd circuit***
  11. 25 July 2020 - Melaka Junior Walking Championship (MJWC) @ SSN SMK Seri Kota, Melaka - 2nd circuit****
  12. 6 Aug 2020 - KL Walk Clinic @ Stadium Permaisuri, Cheras, 7.00am Zone Kuala Lumpur*
  13. 6 Aug 2020 - Putrajaya Walk Clinic @ SMK Precinct 8, 3.00pm Zone Putrajaya*
  14. 15 Aug 2020 - Junior Development Programme (JDP) - 2nd Circuit  
  15. 24 Sept 2020- K.L Junior Walking Championship (KLJWC) @ Stadium Permaisuri Cheras, KL - 3rd circuit* 
  16. 24 Sept 2020- Putrajaya Junior Walking Championship (PJWC) @ SMK Precinct 8, Putrajaya - 3rd circuit*
  17. 24 Sept 2020 - P.Pinang Junior Walking Championship (PJWC) @ SMK Seri Balik Pulau, P.Pinang - 3rd circuit**
  18. 24 Sept 2020 - Bintulu Sarawak Junior Walking Championship (BJWC) @ SMK Bintulu Sarawak - 3rd circuit***
  19. 26 Sept 2020 - Melaka Junior Walking Championship (MJWC) @ SSN SMK Seri Kota, Melaka - 3rd circuit****
  20. 24 Oct 2020 - Junior Development Programme (JDP) - 3rd Circuit 

Interested walkers can contact (Call/Whatapp) to respective teachers as below:

KL/Putrajaya: Cikgu Abas 013-7705161 

** Pulau Pinang: Cikgu Lim Chew Peng 012-5902669

*** Bintulu Sarawak: Cikgu Mohamad Hairol 013-5645964

**** Melaka: Cikgu Pn Noraziah 019-684 9704

Updated: 3 Feb 2020



1Malaysia 1KM Walk 2014 - Age Under 12 Only!

In conjunction with MKH Seremban International 12 Hour 2014. RWAM is organizing 1Malaysia 1KM Walking Competition for juniors walkers age under 12 years old. Limit to 100 entries, closing on 23 Nov 2013.

[Click here for more info]


 Click here for more photos

 Updated: 19/8/14


1Malaysia 1KM Walking Competition 2013 



 Click here for more photos


Check your Name, Number bib & Particulars!

  1. Race Kit collection is on 12/12/2015, Saturday (2.30pm - 7.30pm) at competition site, Kajang (Opposite Wisma MKH).
  2. Please double check your Num bib, Name, Category, Country and T-shirt.
  3. Names are listed according to alphabetical order (A-Z).
  4. Please assist to check for your friends and inform them as well.
  5. Any error, kindly inform our staff during the race kit collection day.
  6. Please download pdf file for better viewing.
  7. No confirmation letter is needed. Just bring along your I/C for verification.
  8. Please arrive EARLY to find your best parking spot and to AVOID traffic jam.

Updated: 9/12/2015



Please key in your bib number (Example: 2224) to download your certificate. [Download Certificate]

Once pressed [Enter] the certificate will automatically download into your computer.


Walking Calendar 2013

  1. 30 Jan 2013 - 1st Clinic Walk, Seremban.
  2. 2 Feb 2013 - Clinic Walk at SJKC Yu Hua, Kajang [Photos]
  3. 23 Feb 2013 - Clinic Walk SK Jalan Semenyih 2, Kajang (7am-10am) [Photos]
  4. 16 March 2013 - Basic Race Walking Coaching Course (BRWCC), KL [Photos]
  5. 19 March 2013 - Clinic Walk SJKC Yoke Nam, KL [Photos]
  6. 13 April 2013 - 1st Junior Development Porgram (JDP), Taman Astaka, Tasik Titiwangsa, KL [Results / Photos]
  7. 30 May 2013 - 2nd Clinic Walk, Seremban
  8. 29 June 2013 - 2nd Junior Development Porgram (JDP), Taman Astaka, Tasik Titiwangsa, KL [Result / Photos]
  9. 7 July 2013 - Wilayah Persekutuan Walking Championship (WPWC), Stadium Mini Permaisuri, Cheras KL [Entry_Form / Rules_&_Regulations / Map]
  10. 20 July 2013 - Clinic Walk SMK Abdul Aziz Shah, Kajang
  11. [Cancelled] 21 Sept 2013 - Negeri Sembilan Walking Championship (NSWC), Seremban*
  12. 21 Sept 2013 - Final -3rd Junior Development Porgram (JDP), Taman Astaka, Tasik Titiwangsa, KL
  13. 22 Oct 2013 - Walk Clinic SMK St.Paul, Seremban
  14. 13 Nov 2013 - Walk Clinic SK Pantai, Seremban
  15. 7 & 8 Dec 2013 - 4th Putrajaya International 12 Hour Walk 2013, Putrajaya
  16. 8 Dec 2013 - 1 Malaysia 1Km Walk, Putrajaya

*Subject to change

Updated: 10/12/2013



1Malaysia 1KM Walk 2013 - Age Under 12 Only!

In conjunction with MKH Putrajaya International 12 Hour 2013. RWAM is organizing 1Malaysia 1KM Walking Competition for juniors age under 12 years old. Limit to 100 entries, closing on 30th Nov 2013.

Click here for more info & Entry Form.

Click here for more past photos

Click here for past full result


Updated: 20/10/13


1Malaysia 1KM Walking Competition 2012

It was another meaningful event, RWAM would like to thank all the parents that brought their kids to Putrajaya early morning 6am to experience the walker. Total 33 walkers taken part and we hope next year 2013 more junior walkers will participate the 1Malaysia 1KM Walk. Special thanks to Nestle Malaysia by supporting this event.

Click here for more photos

Click here for full result


Check your Number bib, Name & Particulars!

  1. Please double check your Num bib Name, Category, and Country.
  2. Please assist to check for your friends and inform them as well.
  3. If you find any ERROR, kindly email to racewalkermalaysia@gmail.com for amendment - Before 30 Nov 2012.
  4. Names are listed according in alphabetical order (A-Z).
  5. Please download the .pdf file for better viewing.
  6. Number collection is on 8/12/2012, Saturday (2.00pm - 7.00pm) at Lobby Auditorium Cempaka Sari, Perbadanan Putrajaya (Next to Malaysia Airline).
  7. No confirmation letter is needed. Just inform us your number bib and bring your I/C.
  8. Please arrive EARLY to find your best parking spot and to AVOID traffic jam!

ENTRY CLOSED .. Updated: 9/11/12

3rd Putrajaya International 12 Hour Walk 2012

After a long month of waiting, RWAM is officially moving back to Putrajaya to organize the 3rd Putrajaya International 12 Hour Walk 2012 on 8 & 9 December at Dataran Putrajaya, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Special thanks to Perbadanan Putrajaya (PPj) that welcome us back and most importantly the walkers that supported us along the years where we started way back in 2008 1st Putrajaya International 12 Hour Walk.

Click here for more info.


Update: Due to overwhelming respond, the organizer will cut off registration on 8 November 2012 or once reached 1,200 Walkers.

Update: Registred Walker! Kindly check your names here.


 Now you can Register and Pay your 3rd Putrajaya Inter 12 Hour Walk entry fees by using VISA / MASTERCARD online at www.themarathonshop.com.my

*A min 5% service charges will be impose per transaction by The Marathon Shop. Update: 24 July 2012, Tuesday

Updated: 24 Oct 2012, Monday

FINAL CALL! Junior Development Programe (JDP) 2012

Calling for all walkers....

If you think your kids is talented to be the next Malaysia walker, try give them a chance to learn and compete with the best. We are conducting the final circuit on 3 November 2012, Saturday.

Free T-shirts & Milo drinks sponsored by Nestle Malaysia with professional coaches to guide you & your kids the right methods of walking. Morover, each Individual timing will be recorded/shown also at the end of the race.

So, come JOIN US with your kids. You might even walk away by winning cash prizes up to RM200*.

Registration forms & eSubmission can be apply here. Closing on 25/10/2012, Thursday.

*Walker must take part at least any 2 circuits + best timing to entitle to win the Cash prizes.


 Junior Development Programe (JDP) 2011

Calling for all walkers, JDP 2011 is back again...

If you think your kids is talented to be the next Malaysia walker, try give them a chance to learn and compete with the best. We are conducting 3 circuit on 6 March, 25 June & 8 Oct 2011.

There are Free T-shirts & Milo drinks sponsored by Nestle Malaysia. Given professional Malaysia coaches to guide you & your kids the right methods of walking. In addition, an accurate individual timing will be recorded/shown at the end of the race.

So, come join us with your kids. You might even walk away by winning cash prizes up to RM200*.

Registration is NOW OPEN...

*Walker must take part at least any 2 circuits + best timing to entitle to win the Cash prizes.

 Final Circuit - Closed

Junior Development Programe (JDP) 2010 

Race Walkers Assoc. of Malaysia (RWAM) is organizing it's second year JDP 2010 specially for young walkers (Primary & Secondary school). The purpose of this event is to create interest for young talented walkers to take part and mostly to educate them with the right walking methods.

Beside developing junior walkers, RWAM is also developing senior/adult walkers which is interested to improve and learn the proper walking skill.  

For parents who likes to bring your kids to walk together in this event is encouraged. We have specially designed competition for Men & Women open category. Therefore, parents and children could have an experience to walk together in a fun exciting way.

Not to forget, RWAM is giving Prize Money, Medal and Certificate for the winnners.

For more information, do read/download our Rules & Regulation attached below.

Our final circuit will be on 26th September 2010 (Sat), registration is now open for all.

*closing date on 18th Sept 2010, Saturday



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